Friday, October 8, 2010

Introduction to myself....PART 1

Hello there, and welcome to my 'CF' blog, and 'CF Diabetes' blog!

I'll get straight to the point, my name is Tegan and I was born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic 'disease', that causes severe problems with your lungs and digestive system. I also have CF related diabetes, and that is another thing on its on to deal with.

I will write more about this in my up coming posts of course of all my daily challenges, with CF, and CFRD......!!

Why this has to do with me?,-CF obviously plays a big part in my life around my family and maybe even my spirit of how I perceive things, and would like to share with the CF community, and heck contribute to any CF research out there...., and others who are struggling, so please come and read all about it !  

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